Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bees...sting! so get your peppermint oil

It's still summer and the bees are everywhere. Seems this year I've gotten stung more than ever. It's so annoying...and it really hurts! So I put a drop of Peppermint oil on the sting and it immediately cools it off. Thankfully I carry it with me everywhere I go. I never know when I might need it.

Peppermint is another one of those multi use oils. It can be used for a variety of things, some of them you may already know, like, indigestion or nausea. Put a drop on the back of your hand and lick it off or put several drops in your palm and rub them over your stomach to ease the pain.

Here are some other ways you can use it:

~ Inflammation ~ try rubbing a few drops on your injury or arthritis.

~ Headache ~ rub a drop on your temples, forehead,and back of neck. (be careful not to get this near your eyes!)

~ Rodents, ants, cockroaches ~ to deter them place two drops of peppermint oil on a cotton ball and put it near where they are coming into your home. Sometimes I wipe the oil on my windowsill or on the door saddle. It may have to be repeated every week or so but it's so much better than using poisons.

~ Studying ~ diffusing it while studying helps improve concentration and accuracy.

~ Curbs the appetite ~ Inhale the fragrance of Peppermint oil to lessen the impulse to overeat.

~ Poison Ivy / Poison Oak ~ put a few drops directly on the location or it can be diluted with a carrier oil 50:50 before using. I've used this one and it really works. Living around so much poison there's not a summer that goes by that I don't get it.

~ Hot flashes ~ rub a drop or two on the back of your neck to cool off.

These are just a few ways to use Peppermint oil which I'm sure you'll enjoy. Oh, and you can put it in water for a wonderful refreshing drink!

Be well~

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